Are you insecure with your body and want to start your fitness journey but don’t know how?

Struggling to lose weight and put on lean muscle?

Lina Fit will help you get toned, build lean muscle and achieve the body of your dreams. Regardless of your age, fitness level or schedule, Lina Fit is perfect for you!

I am 48 years old and a mom of 2. I’ve trained hard and stayed dedicated to get the body and lifestyle I have today. I have transformed myself through science based training and healthy nutrition that really works.

I am living proof that you can change and become the best version of yourself at any age. I look and feel better today at 48 years old than I did when I was 28.

Unlike other trainers who sell 30 day gimmick diets or cookie-cutter programs, I am here to tell you that your fitness journey should be a marathon not a sprint. Changes don’t happen overnight and to get results, you need to be consistent, patient and dedicated.

That's why I will create BETTER YOU a personalized meal and workout plan catered to YOUR goals, caloric needs, fitness level and dietary preferences. This ensures you will get long term sustainable results! 

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? To be confident and kick your insecurities to the curb? 

Join the rest of the Lina Fit family and experience the life changing transformations today!

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Better You

Workout Programs And Meal Plans

  • Customized Workout Programs
  • Home & Gym Options
  • Videos Demonstrations
  • Personalized Meal Plans
  • Complete Shopping List
  • Range of Diet Options
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Exclusive Mobile App
  • Email Support - (up to 48 hours for response)
$39.99 Monthly Plan

*BETTER YOU is a recurring membership*

$99.99 3-Month Plan

*BETTER YOU is a recurring membership*

$250 12-Month Plan

*BETTER YOU is a recurring membership*

Nutrition Only

$24.99 Monthly Plan

*BETTER YOU is a recurring membership*

contact with any questions


Hi, Lina fit here

I’m a personal trainer and fitness coach and I’ve coached hundreds of people to get healthier, happier, stronger, and more confident through my Better You program. As someone who experienced significant physique changes in her 40s, I’m a firm believer that you can get stronger, healthier, and more fit at any age. Anyone can change their life with the proper nutrition, training and support. It’s truly never too late to start.

If you are ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, I have the perfect tool for you to start! I create personalized nutrition and workout plans designed specifically for you, your body, and your goals. It takes the guesswork out of trying to figure out what needs to be done to achieve your goals. I am here to provide you the guidance you need through the stages of your fitness journey.

My program is designed for you and your lifestyle. You tell me if you prefer to work out from the gym or home and the optimal amount of time you can dedicate to your workouts, I do the rest.

You also tell me what type of foods and meal plan you prefer and how many meals a day is optimal for you and I create that customized plan specific to your requirements.

My workouts come with video demonstrations for each exercise so you can be sure you are executing with proper form.

My nutrition plans come with easy to follow recipes and are filled with variety of delicious foods . You will never feel like you are on a “ diet”

And now my program has the option of VIP access. If you sign up to be a VIP member you will have accountability and direct access to me. We will have weekly check-in calls and unlimited messages throughout the month to review progress and goals. That type of accountability is what will help keep you motivated and consistent on your plan. So if you’re looking to change your life to feel better about yourself, to be healthier and more confident in your own skin, sign up today and let’s work on a better you together.


  • Weekly calls
  • Video chat
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Customized Workout Programs
  • Home & Gym Options
  • Videos Demonstrations
  • Personalized Meal Plans
  • Complete Shopping List
  • Range of Diet Options
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Exclusive Mobile App
  • 24/7 Email Support


  • Weekly calls
  • Video chat
  • Unlimited messaging
  • Customized Workout Programs
  • Home & Gym Options
  • Videos Demonstrations
  • Personalized Meal Plans
  • Complete Shopping List
  • Range of Diet Options
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Exclusive Mobile App
  • Email Support (up to 48 hours for response)




Tone up, build a booty and get that hourglass figure you want!

When you join Lina Fit, I will help you lose body fat and build lean muscle with a personalized workout plan catered to your goals, fitness level and lifestyle.

Your workout plan will be easy to follow, I will tell you the reps and sets of each exercise. There will also be video demonstrations available so don’t worry if you’re new to working out!

Whether you want to lose weight and tone up or build muscle, I can help you achieve your goals with a personalized plan - Gym and home workout plans available!



Eating the correct nutrition is the key to get great abs and a fit physique.

All Lina Fit Meal Plans are 100% personalized to your goals, caloric needs and dietary preferences. Choose from a range of diet options including Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Dairy-free and more!

Your plan will contain plenty of delicious variety so you won’t feel restricted or deprived. You’ll look forward to each meal and even forget you’re on a diet.

To make meal prepping easy and time efficient, I will provide you with a simple grocery list so all you have to do is tick off as you shop at your next supermarket visit.



As a member of Lina Fit, you’ll get access to the private members only Facebook group. We as a community are here to help you succeed on your fitness journey.

This is a confidential group where you can share your stories, struggles and achievements with likeminded people who are on the same journey as you! 


You will have my full support and guidance throughout your journey! You will receive a response within 48 hours from one of my team.

If you have any questions regarding your plan or just need extra advice and support, you can send me an email anytime and I will get back to you super quickly! 


Following your plan and tracking your progress has never been easier! All Lina Fit members can access their programs on the members only Mobile App.

Now you can check and access your meal and workout plan anywhere, anytime!

Available on the App Store and Google Play. 


Hi my name is Lina,

I am currently a fitness trainer with many years of experience When I started my fitness journey some 15  years ago I didn't start with a goal of getting 6 pack abs and I assure you that I never dreamed that I would be posting pictures of myself and posting workouts on  Instagram! I started because I wasn't happy with the way I looked or the way I felt about myself. I was trying my best to keep up with my real-life responsibilities which included family, work, and home life and I really didn't prioritize time for myself. Although I was not overweight, I wasn't healthy. At that time, I guess I was what people consider  "skinny fat" and I wasn't confident at all.  I was shy and introverted. My body changed drastically after having children and I didn't think I stood a chance of getting my pre-baby body back. My eating habits weren’t healthy and I would try to be "good" by not eating and would then wind up eating everything in sight late at night. 

I knew that I needed to make a lifestyle change. 

I began working out at home 45 minutes a day. It was the time I would set aside as "ME" time and I wouldn't miss a day.  I started by doing workout videos on VHS tapes and once I started to see changes I eventually joined a gym. I wanted to tighten up and build some muscle after losing the weight. The process was a long one since I initially didn't know what I was doing.  In the beginning, I was new to the gym and I was embarrassed to work out in the weight area. It was truly trial and error for me. On my own I would just jump from machine to machine without any real plan or direction. Even though this was out of my comfort zone, my goals were greater than my fears and I stuck with it, and I am glad I did. The more I stuck with it, the more confident I became. Knowledge is power. I would go to the gym with a plan of exercises I wanted for specific body parts and I surrounded myself with people who were supportive and helped build my confidence throughout my journey.  Through the years, I also learned that exercise and nutrition need to go hand in hand to see a real difference.  The key is you can’t out train a bad diet and in order to see real results your diet has to coincide with your training.


Today I'm so proud of how far I've come. I'm healthier than I have ever been. I'm more confident than I've ever been and I truly feel blessed because I'm better now than I ever was. Continuous Improvement is what it’s all about. It’s not only about the Aesthetics or the weight loss.  It’s the incredible sense of confidence and empowerment that comes when you feel like you’ve worked to become the best version of yourself. 

I hope this helps you realize it's NEVER too late to make a change. With a little bit of sweat, hard work and determination anything is possible. You just have to convince yourself that you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. I have come a LONG way and if I could do it, so can you! 

I’m so happy to offer you a program tailored to you and your specific needs! I wish I had a program like this years ago. A simple easy to follow program that takes the guessing game out of training and nutrition. A  program that is realistic and sustainable for lifestyle changes. 

If this interests you, then join my community of women looking to become the best version of themselves! I can’t wait to watch you transform!  


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